Artist, Painter, Creator
Urban to the Core

Living in the over saturated information age, I believe that a work of art must be immediate and interesting enough to win against the commercial images surrounding us. However, another look at my paintings reveals harmony, fine details and complex color work. Such balance between the powerful first impression and the artistic qualities of my art best represent my artistic approach. The subjects of my art include iconic portraits of somewhat surreal characters, placed in rusted urban landscapes, as well as large collage artworks, which tell stories of my life in the modern, urban world.
As an urban artist, my work is in dialog with street-art. My art juggles between high and low cultures and maintains the tension between the vibe of the street and the finesse of fine-art.
During the last couple years I exhibited both in New York City and Tel Aviv.
Feel free to email me: dejerb1@gmail.com